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In order to buy Pharmacom Labs PHARMA SUST 300 10ml (300mg), you just need to choose this drug in the appropriate category of anabolics. At the beginning of its appearance on the consumer market, the product was used only in therapeutic therapy of hormonal background.
Today, testosterone is widely used by representatives of various sports: with its help it is possible to build a quality muscle mass, without harming the liver and other internal organs.
The duration of this cocktail of active substances is 4 weeks, which was made possible by the unique composition of the product, which includes 4 active substances with different periods of absorption into the blood. Muscle work yields very productive results, which become apparent as early as 2 to 3 weeks of training.
The average muscle gain is 6 to 7 kg, depending on the characteristics of the body and the physical parameters of the athlete. It is also important that at the end of the course of treatment, athletes do not encounter such a negative phenomenon as recoil.
Such injectable steroids for sale help to obtain such results:
Precise observance of the instructions for use helps to avoid the development of such side effects as skin disorders, increased sweating, headaches, nausea.
The latest generation of such drugs, allows you to buy testosterone online even novice athletes. In the absence of severe consequences for the body, which often come after the end of the use of anabolics, this line of steroids, perfectly suited for an introduction to sports pharmacology.
Testosterone injections for sale are very convenient to use - once a week the substance is injected, the course of administration is from 4 to 12 weeks. Note that the weekly dose of injection, can be divided into 2 - 3 intakes. Here, athletes decide individually, as well as in the case of the duration of testosterone use.
The effectiveness of the product does not depend on the form of intake - solo or in combination with other products of sports pharmacology.