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How to increase human growth hormone levels naturally?

How to increase human growth hormone levels naturally?

Human growth hormone is produced in the body by the pituitary gland. It promotes bone growth, muscle mass, participates in the work and development of many organs and systems. It plays an important role in weight loss and recovery from intensive workouts. It is possible to increase its level with the help of Growth Hormone HGH (for Sale) or by natural methods, changing your lifestyle.

The Benefits of Growth Hormone in Bodybuilding

Growth hormone, or somatotropin, affects protein synthesis and regulates carbohydrate metabolism. Its levels in the body vary throughout life. Its highest concentration is reached during adolescence and gradually decreases after 30 years of age. But even after the body has finished forming, it provides important functions:

  • regulates liver and heart function;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • prevents the accumulation of fat and loss of muscle mass.


With a lack of somatotropin, there is an increase in fat tissue and a depletion of muscle tissue. In other words, an increase in its levels gives the opposite reaction, helping athletes to pump up and lean out. It also stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor and insulin, which are responsible for the anabolic effect. But it should be taken into account that supplemental human growth hormone (buy online) will only be useful for people suffering from its deficiency.

The weak effect of somatotropin on the accumulation of muscle mass does not make it useless for athletes. It is possible to buy PCT online, including this hormone, and it is also applicable in combined steroid courses - buy anabolic testosterone. It has a number of positive nuances:

  • lowers the percentage of fat mass;
  • supports muscles on a lean course under heavy loads and a caloric deficit;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • helps regenerate after injuries to muscles, tendons;
  • contributes to recovery after exercise;
  • prevents injuries.

The question of how to buy the hormone is not as simple as how to buy injectable steroids online - at It is not dispensed without a prescription, because it is considered a doping. In addition, independent use would entail a lot of side effects: edema, arthralgia, gynecomastia, diabetes, metabolic disorders and others. Nevertheless it is possible to try to increase the level of somatotropin by other methods, without searching, where to buy injectable steroids with credit cards - at


Natural Ways to Increase Growth Hormone Levels

The main directions in such a matter are diet and lifestyle. To affect the production, you can try the following options.

  1. Interval fasting. Up to 5 days without food greatly increases somatotropin levels. But bodybuilders cannot afford such long fasts, so intervals between meals are an excellent option. For example, 20/4 - you can only eat for 4 hours and fast the rest of the time; 16/8 is a more gentle regimen. You can also use 6/1 or 5/2 days: 6 or 5 days - normal food, then 1-2 days - abstinence.

  2. Adequate sleep. First, it is necessary to go to bed before midnight, since the main production of the hormone occurs during the slow phase of sleep from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Secondly, you should sleep enough - 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep reduces melatonin, which increases growth hormone production.

  3. Nutritional supplements. Useful substances include glutamine, creatine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

  4. Eliminate the consumption of sugar and alcohol. Sugar works to reduce the level of somatotropic hormone, and increased glucose can disrupt its production. Alcohol is undesirable before bedtime, because it reduces the amount produced during sleep.

  5. Intensive workouts. Physical exercises in the gym, mass training courses, for which various oral steroids for sale online in the USA, as well as buy steroids from Europe, are very useful for HGH. This is one of the most effective ways. It all depends on the type of exercise, nutrition, and the characteristics of the body.

  6. Losing weight. A large amount of belly fat is directly related to impaired HGH levels. Reducing fat deposits will help to optimize the production of GH and other aspects of health.

  7. Eating before bedtime. You should not eat a lot at bedtime, as this will increase insulin, which will block somatotropin production.

The role of growth hormone is important for metabolism, bone strength, and muscle preservation. It has a rehabilitating effect on steroid cycles with testosterone steroids, for sale at specialty stores. Athletes who are unable or unwilling to use injectable steroids for bodybuilding have various methods of naturally stimulating this substance at their disposal.

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