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The benefits of Anastrozole for men

The benefits of Anastrozole for men

Originally developed to treat breast cancer in women. In some cases in male patients as well. Also for therapeutic purposes, it is suitable for men for prostate oncology. But Anastrozole for sale found its place in sports pharmacology.

Purpose and description of the product

In bodybuilding, the main purpose of Anastrozole is the suppression of estrogen levels, especially estradiol, in courses of anabolic steroids. The substance prevents the conversion of androgenic hormones to estrogens. The product is also useful for men suffering from hormonal imbalances.

Many of the steroids mimic natural testosterone and stimulate protein synthesis, which leads to an increased physique. But as a consequence, testosterone steroids provoke conversion to estradiol. Anastrozol for men has a supportive effect on gained muscle mass.

Female hormones are manifested in the male body by the following symptoms:

  • swelling, redness, and enlargement of the breasts - gynecomastia;
  • testicular dysfunction;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • in the most severe variant - prostate cancer.

These signs appear after taking AAS with a short half-life. This is thought to be due to aromatization of the steroids. Therefore, Anastrozole is used as an aromatase inhibitor.

In the category of anti-estrogens oral Anastrozole (for sale online in usa) is rightly considered the best. It is checked by time and by many athletes.

The effectiveness of Anastrozole for men

When using AAS, this product prevents aromatization and reduces the side effects to a minimum, or even suppresses them at all.

The benefits of Anastrozole include:

  • keeping estrogen levels low;
  • suitable for replacement therapy;
  • affects blood lipids;
  • widely used for post-course and recovery therapy.

What happens when you take Anastrozole besides its anti-estrogenic action:

  • does not cause fluid retention;
  • reduces aromatization of AC;
  • increases muscle definition;
  • fat-burning effect;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • fat burning effect;
  • increases muscle strength;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • enhances sexual drive;
  • concentrates anabolic substances in the organism;

Stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

It is characterized by a fast beneficial effect: the maximum active norm is already in the blood two hours after intake. Feedback from athletes shows that an 80% reduction in hormone accumulation can be achieved in a single dose. Finding out where is the best place to buy online, you should keep in mind that the tablet form is recommended only for experienced athletes.

Peculiarities of taking the product

Admission is based on the tasks set and the individual characteristics of the body. But following the general rules, will help to get the maximum efficiency from the course. It is desirable to take the pills in the morning on an empty stomach. This accelerates the ingress of the substance into the blood and the beginning of its activity. The duration of the course is short - only 10 days. The daily dose does not exceed 1 mg.

Often bodybuilders take anastrozole at the first signs of gynecomastia. This is not quite correct. It is better to take an estradiol test:

  • after 10 days of taking ACs with short half-life - anabolic testosterone propionate and methandrostenolone:
  • 3-4 weeks after the start of long esters - sustanon, testosterone entanate and cypionate.

Based on the results, 0.5 mg per day is prescribed. After 10 days, the analysis is repeated and the dosage is adjusted if necessary.

It is optimal to use the minimum amount, guided by the sensations. If there are adverse reactions, the dose is lowered. In any case, it is not a bad idea to prepare and administer online in advance, in order to start the injection on time.

Possible negative manifestations

The inclusion of Anastrozole on courses of steroids (buy from Europe) can cause adverse reactions characteristic of anti-estrogens. They manifest themselves in the form of:

  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • lowering of libido;
  • weight loss;
  • bone fragility;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • headache;
  • skin rash.

It is extremely rare that liver function is impaired. A competent approach and strict adherence to dosages do not entail such risks. When considering how to buy anastrozole online at, it is worth considering all the nuances of using such a product.