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Modern sports pharmacology offers preparations in the category that will help to build up quality muscle mass during the drying period. You can buying online Balkan Pharma FENANDROL 10ml (100mg), which allows you to gain quality muscles for a long time, because the product has a prolonged action.
Active ingredient:
Synthetic testosterone does not interfere with natural hormonal levels and is very effective during intensive training and high physical loads.
The product allows you to obtain efficient results in sports performance, and it also improves your overall health. We especially like its restorative power, which allows the athlete's body to return to normal more quickly after very hard physical exercise.
The main advantages of FENADROL Balkan Pharmaceutical Injectable suspension
The peculiarity of the product is the retention of the obtained volume of muscles after the end of the course of application.
Many trainers recommend to buy nandrolone online as a beginner to the preparations of sports pharmacology, and already experienced in this matter athletes. They start taking 50 mg every two days. For professionals 100 mg is acceptable. The first course should not last more than 2 weeks, experienced athletes can use the product for 1 month.
Sales of testosterone injections are presented in our store along with the substances that help to preserve the volume of muscle mass, and also those steroids, which can be combined in a complex course. When the regimen is properly made and the characteristics of the body are taken into account, there are no side effects.