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Not all medicines of sports pharmacology can be used by female athletes and young athletes. In our catalog you can choose and buy Balkan Pharma PRIMOBOL 1ml x 100mg (10 amp), one of the few that do not cause negative changes in the female body, not harmful to the unformed bodies of young people.
The active ingredient:
On the market there is also a tablet form of the substance, in which the active ingredient is methenolone enanthate. In the main mass. The remedy has no contraindications, the only ones are strictly individual contraindications, as well as the period of lactation in women, pregnancy.
This is an excellent solution for those who want to build a high-quality and dense muscle mass, to pass a quality stage of drying. The medicine belongs to the category of safe, with no recoil phenomenon. In some cases, in the presence of individual health conditions, it can cause a slight impact on the liver.
These injectable steroids for sale are recognized as one of the most effective with the following capabilities:
Injectable Primobolan for sale has the only disadvantage - it is painful to administer the solution. Therefore, it is recommended to use the substance together with painkillers.
It is recommended to buy Primobolan for both men and women. The initial dosage for athletes is no more than 300 mg per week. If the substance is used by women, they only need 100 mg per week. The course of application is up to 10 weeks. The steroid is used solo and in a complex.
Depending on the desired end results - obtaining dry weight or more active building of muscle, the combined means are selected. It is desirable to choose medicines together with your doctor in order to take into account peculiarities of your body and your degree of preparedness to steroid use.