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In addition to the well-known products of sports pharmacology, our catalog contains new developments, with the help of which you can get brilliant results from training. You can buy Balkan Pharma STROMBAJECT 1ml x 50mg (10 amp), which has become very popular among athletes and representatives of other sports.
The active ingredient:
This is one of the productive and safe products: it does not affect the composition and liver function at all, does not cause the phenomenon of recoil, does not provoke edema, with the right approach to the intake, side effects do not develop.
Unique stanozolol for sale have become so popular among athletes because of its main properties:
Such injectable steroids for sale are used by both young and experienced athletes, men and women, but in different dosages.
We recommend buying stanozolol online in our store for those who wish to gain up to 10 kg of muscle mass in a short time. The product has a unique property - it not only affects the physical parameters of the body itself, but also enhances the action of other, similar substances. That is why it is often taken in combination with different types of testosterone.
The initial dosage is 30 to 50 mg, experienced athletes can increase the solution up to 100 mg. If the medication is used by women, the dosage should be divided by 2 and take only 15 mg per day. The average course lasts 6 weeks, those who are already familiar with the product, extend it to 8 weeks, but only if the individual body indicators allow it. It is not desirable to use the product by persons who have not yet completed the process of formation of the body.