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Sports pharmacology today offers universal products that can be used by representatives of different sports. You can buy Canada Peptides ANAVAR 10mg (100 tablets), which has become popular due to its effectiveness and complete absence of side effects and negative effects on the liver. Of course, provided that you take it correctly.
The active ingredient:
Among the mass of similar products, this one is rightly considered one of the best and safest: it is even prescribed for the treatment of muscle diseases in children.
For many years of its existence, anabolic has become so popular that its sales are not falling, but on the contrary, are increasing every year. Refers to one of those that have no contraindications, no consequences from taking, does not cause liver disorders. We recommend you our store as the best place to buy oral steroids at affordable prices.
The use of anabolic helps you to get the following results:
When using the steroid, the overall health is strengthened, and excess fluid is actively eliminated.
According to the recommendations of athletes who have long decided to buy oxandrolone, it is more effective to use in a combined approach together with other steroids. For men, the recommended daily dose is 10 to 25 mg, for women - 10 to 15 mg per day. The average course of intake is 1 month for beginners and about 6 weeks for more experienced athletes. According to reviews, compliance with all the recommendations of the steroid, prevents the development of inhibition of natural testosterone production.
It is also noted that the greatest effect of taking anabolic, is observed during the period when athletes undergo a drying course or use a comprehensive approach. In the latter case, the choice of concomitant steroids for men and women is different, so it is better to consult a sports doctor or your trainer.