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If you prefer substances with a long period of action, you can choose similar medications in our catalog. You can buy MAST P Spectrum Pharma 10ml (100mg), which belongs to effective and productive steroids with a long period of action.
The active active ingredient:
Such a high efficiency of the medicine is not accompanied by the phenomenon of rollback, the drug does not have severe side effects and if the dosage is calculated correctly, they do not appear.
The substance takes effect immediately after injection and the effect lasts for up to 2 weeks, which is very convenient for those athletes who do not like frequent injections. By the nature of the effect, the product belongs to the category of moderate, stable acting, harmless to internal organs, with minimal side effects.
Unique Masterone for sale has a wide range of qualities, among which are:
Quality injectable steroids for sale not only help to accelerate the building of muscles, but also give them the necessary hardness, which, after the end of the course of admission, remains at the formed level.
You can buy Masteron in our store for a course that lasts for 4 weeks, and during this period, your muscle mass will gradually and effectively increase in volume. The optimal dosage is 100 mg three times a week, and the total solution should not exceed 400 mg per week. If you play light sports or just keep yourself in good physical shape, it is possible to use testosterone steroids Masteron for sale at only 100 mg per week. It is possible to use the course solo or combine it with other steroids.
Although the substance belongs to the category of light and safe, it is advisable to carry out recovery therapy at the end of taking the medication. It is strictly forbidden to use the substance in case of kidney and liver diseases.