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In order to get more effective results from your workouts, you can use the products of sports pharmacology. You can buy SP OXANOBOL SP Laboratories 10mg (100 tablets), which in a short time helps to get hard, pronounced and stable muscle mass.
The active active ingredient:
Anabolic actively exceeds testosterone by 4 times, refers to the category of safe, which does not violate the natural hormonal background and does not act on the liver.
According to the reviews of those people who use the pills, they cause almost no side effects, do not harm the functionality of the liver, excellent for both beginners and experienced athletes. We offer you the best place to buy oral steroids - this is our store, where you can find a large selection of such anabolics at the best prices.
The decisive aspects in favor of this steroid, are its quality properties:
In addition to the above properties, these oral steroids for sale are also used to treat anemia. It is also used in medicine as an immunostimulant, which strengthens the body and increases its defenses against viral diseases.
For novice athletes, the recommended dosage is no more than 20 mg per day, divided into 2 doses. If in the first weeks of use there are no side effects and you feel fine, it is allowed to increase the dosage to 60 mg. Those who already know oxandrolone tablets, you can use a dosage of about 80 mg per day.
The average course of reception - no more than 6 weeks, experienced athletes can increase it to 2 months. To achieve the desired results faster, you can use combinations with other steroids, the choice of which, under the supervision of a doctor and based on the characteristics of your body and degree of physical fitness.