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Our product catalog offers some of the best and highest quality products in which the main active ingredient is testosterone, with the help of which you can achieve great athletic results. You can buy Pharma BOLD 500, which has a long-lasting action, ensuring a mild effect and an excellent preparation for competitions.
Active ingredient:
Initially, the product was intended for veterinary use, but a few years after its creation, it has become more popular in the sports environment.
This is one of the most effective products today, although it was developed back in the last century. The peculiarity of the product is its complete safety for the body and health, it is not toxic. If you do not exceed the recommended dosage, synthetic testosterone does not cause disruption of the hormonal background, does not provoke the development of side effects.
Today, Boldenone for sale has become the most in demand among young athletes and the professional circle, which is due to its main advantages:
To improve all indicators of the body's condition, it is important to provide it with nutrients. For this purpose, a proper sports nutrition is organized.
To leave the necessary course of admission, you can buy boldenone undecylenate in our store. Since the substance is active in the body for about two weeks, you are spared from frequent injections. The initial dosage is 400 mg per week, professionals can use injectable steroids for sale in the amount of 800 mg per week.
The average duration of the course is 2 months, but it is possible to extend up to 2.5 months, but only under the supervision of a trainer and based on the capabilities of the body. It is possible to combine the product with other types of testosterone for a more powerful result in the process of preparation for competition.