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Thanks to actively developing sports pharmacology, today there are super effective preparations for athletes of different sports on the market. We offer you to buy Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Mix 1 10ml (450mg), which is one of those preparations that significantly increases muscle volume and strength in a very short time.
This mix of active ingredients allows you to avoid frequent injections, but at the same time receive prolonged action of the product.
If you take the product for a relatively short period of about 1.5 months, athletes will build up to 7 kg of quality and dense muscles, the relief of which is clearly expressed. The product is safe, but subject to compliance with the established dosages.
Modern injectable steroids for sale help athletes get:
Note that the product has no adverse effect on the liver.
You can buy Pharma Mix online if you begin a period of drying: the preparation is very effective for such trainings and for building muscle mass.
The most effective effect of the product is observed if injections are administered twice a week. The allowed average dose for beginners is no more than 100 mg. Experienced athletes can increase the dosage, but only under the supervision of a trainer, based on physical parameters and body characteristics.
Such a modern cocktail of effective active ingredients works well as a solo or combined approach: testosterone mix steroids for sale can be combined with a large list of similar substances. It is recommended that in parallel to the development of the scheme of admission and duration of course, a nutritious sports diet be prepared to replenish the body with energy reserves, so much needed during intensive workouts.
The initial course is 1 to 1.5 months, and professionals can increase it to 2 months. In addition to this super popular product, you can buy the best sports pharmaceutical products in our store.