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In order to realize your athletic goals, you do not need to use the most powerful anabolic, in some cases, products with a moderate effect will help you. We offer you to buy Pharmacom Labs PHARMA NAN D300 10 ml (300 mg), which has ideal quality characteristics and mild action.
The active ingredient:
The product has a mass of positive qualities, the only thing you must carefully observe is the recommended dosage, so as not to provoke a violation of the natural hormonal background.
The steroid belongs to the product line with a long period of action, so immediately after you start taking injections, you will not see the result, but by the middle of the course, you will notice a productive improvement, which will continue even after the end of the anabolic.
If you want to get quality results from taking anabolic, you need to buy injectable steroids for sale in our catalog:
The decision to buy online injectable steroids of this type, you will improve the transport of oxygen through the blood to all tissues of the body and improve its health, can reduce the recovery period after training.
Injections can be taken once a week, the duration of the course in this case is about 2 months. It is possible to extend the reception only if there are no side effects, the athlete does not feel any negative reactions of the body. The best place to buy injectable steroids in anabolic steroids shop, where you can choose combinations to bind with this hormone to make your training even more effective.
The dosage is calculated individually, based on the formula: 4 mg of hormone per 1 kg of weight. The average weekly dosage is 300 mg for young athletes, while professionals can use up to 600 mg per week. Sports doctors recommend practicing 2 courses of intake, with short breaks - it is much more effective than continuous long intakes of the steroid.