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Sports pharmacology has developed whole complex preparations that are characterized by a very long period of action. You can buy Pharmacom Labs PHARMA NOLT 300 MIX 10ml (300mg), which includes a number of esters with different periods of action in the human body. Due to this property, the product is used once every 10 days, which is very convenient for those who do not like to make injections.
This kind of ester mix appeared on the market not too long ago, but it was immediately popular among athletes due to its high efficiency.
First of all, because this product allows you to quickly build up quality muscle mass, and after completing a course of taking the product, you will not show the phenomenon of recoil. The demand for the substance lies in the fact that the obtained muscle mass, and on average, you acquire about 8 kg in a month, remains after the end of the product intake, with the same excellent quality characteristics.
Today, steroid injections for sale are available to everyone who wants to get the following results:
Taking the product should be controlled and according to the instructions. Only if these conditions are met, buying pharma mix online, will bring you the desired results without the development of side effects.
The standard course of reception lasts for 2 months. These steroids testosterone mix for sale can be used solo or in a complex approach. From the very first injection, the product begins to act actively and its effect lasts for 2 weeks. The injections are used once a week, in a dosage of 400 mg.
For experienced athletes, a dosage of 600 mg is allowed, but the characteristics of the body should be taken into account so as not to cause the development of side effects.