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Among our products there are drugs with a very high level of effectiveness, but with a mild effect on the body. You can buy Pharmacom Labs PHARMA PRIM 100 10ml (100mg), which, thanks to its softened action, is indicated for athletes and female athletes, as well as novice athletes.
The active active ingredient:
Absolutely safe substance, which does not disturb the hormonal background, does not cause toxic contamination of the body and promotes the growth of quality muscles with good density characteristics.
The peculiarity of such a substance is that this product has no analogues, it is a unique medication, with the help of which you will not get instant results, but you will be able to gradually build up a quality muscle mass.
With such a mild effect on the body, the use of products such as injectable steroids for sale, athletes get the following benefits:
Also Methenolone Enanthate for sale does not cause fluid retention in the body, which protects athletes from the formation of edema.
Before buying Methenolone Enanthate for sale, you should consult with a doctor and trainer to accurately determine the presence or absence of individual contraindications to the intake. It is important to take into account such parameters as age, weight, and the degree of physical fitness of the body. This is necessary for an accurate dosage of the solution, which will not cause side effects. Young athletes are recommended volumes of the solution not more than 400 mg per week. Professionals can use up to 1000 mg per week.
The standard course of intake is no more than 6 weeks, experienced athletes increase it to 8 weeks. Although injectable testosterone is for sale and belongs to the safe category, it is desirable to restore the body with vitamin complexes and other useful medicines. If testosterone is used by women, the dosage is calculated individually, so as not to disturb the hormonal background and not to provoke side effects.