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Today it is impossible to imagine sports pharmacology without such substances as synthetic testosterone, with the help of which it is possible to increase the physical parameters of athletes. You can buy Pharmacom Labs PHARMA TEST 100 OIL BASE 10ml (100mg), which is oil-based concentrate of this substance.
If we consider the structure of the substance, it is presented in the form of pure testosterone, which has a very fast and active action.
The popularity of the product is explained not only by its effective action, but also by the fact that when tested for doping, the substance is not detected. That is why many athletes and prefer to use this format of medication. The product is used not only by representatives of power sports, it is also in demand at the amateur level to maintain a good physical shape.
Today pharma mix buy online is a great solution for those who want to get similar results:
It is recommended to use correct sport diet together with the preparation in order to supply the body with energy, which is so necessary during such severe physical exertion.
We offer to buy pharma mix online in the catalog of our store at the lowest prices. The product can be used by beginners and experienced athletes.
The average course of reception is 8 weeks, only professional athletes under the supervision of coaches can exceed this period. Beginners start taking 50 mg per day, those who are familiar with the product, it is possible to increase the dose to 100 mg per day.
It is possible to use the course solo or in combination with various similar products and means that block the appearance of side effects, if the period of use of the substance, will exceed 8 weeks. Unique steroids testosterone mix for sale is more applicable for male athletes than for women.