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This product Pharmacom Labs PHARMA TEST E300 10ml/300mg, is most often buy by professional athletes who have been using high physical loads for a long time. But in initial doses, it is also recommended for novice athletes. This injectable Testosterone for sale is present in our catalog at the most affordable price, all you have to do is to place your order.
The drug has one of the longest periods of action - over three weeks, but here everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. A single injection of the substance will have its effect for about two weeks. All injectable steroids for sale in this line have no harmful effects on the liver, which also contributes to the popularity among consumers. In addition to applications in the field of sports, the product is now also actively used in traditional medicine for those patients who have injured ligaments and joints, who need faster recovery and return of mobility of the musculoskeletal system, as well as a preventive and consolidating course of therapy.
Among the large list of all the benefits that you get if you decide to buy testosterone online are:
With a properly designed scheme of intake, the drug helps to enrich the blood and oxygen, which improves brain function, memory, concentration.
The course for novice athletes should not be more than 2 months, more experienced athletes can increase the period of admission and dosage only with the supervision of the coach, based on the characteristics of the body. It is necessary to carry out a recovery therapy after the use of funds. In each individual case, the set of drugs is selected by the coach or athlete's doctor.
During the application of the drug, it is important to observe proper nutrition, not to exceed the allowable threshold of physical activity, so as not to create strong effects on cardiac activity.