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Our product range includes such steroids, which stand out in the line of one of the longest periods of action and have a long list of positive effects. You can buy Pharmacom Labs PHARMA TREN H100 10 ml (100 mg) with which you can achieve significant results.
The active active ingredient:
Due to this cocktail, which components have different periodicity of action, anabolic and has a prolonged effect for 2 weeks. We recommend to buy online trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, which has high degrees of anabolic and androgenic activity.
This steroid belongs to the category of safe - the proportion of impact on the liver is minimal and with proper nutrition, not observed at all. Such injectable steroids for sale have no effect on the hormonal background as well, so they are also indicated for use by women.
If you accurately follow all the recommendations of the reception, you can get the following results:
Anabolic does not cause fluid accumulation in the body, in rare cases, minimal fluid formation is possible. To use only quality and original products, we recommend the best place to buy injectable steroids - our store.
Use by beginners - no more than 200 mg per week, and experienced athletes can increase the volume of anabolic from 350 to 400 mg. In rare cases, when the degree of physical fitness is high enough, Trenbolone for sale is administered 500 mg per week. The initial course of intake is 4 weeks, professionals can take it for 9 weeks.
The effectiveness of the steroid is quite high, both in a solo course, and in combination with other similar products. But most doctors recommend practicing bundles only to professional athletes who are already familiar with trenbolone and at the end of the course to conduct a recovery therapy, lasting 2 weeks.