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In our store you can find steroids that have a very powerful effect and give the most impressive results. You can buy Pharmacom Labs TURINABOLOS 10mg (100 tablets), with the help of which you will gain about 10 kg of muscle of excellent quality.
The active active ingredient:
It has a high anabolic activity of 100%.
We offer only the original product, directly from the manufacturer, which allows us to offer it to you at the most affordable prices. The peculiarity of this anabolic is its gradual, targeted effect, which gradually develops and contributes to the growth of strong and healthy muscles. The best place to buy oral steroids is the wide selection of our catalog.
Testosterone analog is used by representatives of various sports. If you decide to buy Turinabol, you will get the following effects:
Studying the reviews of those who have already taken Turinabol tablets, we can see that all 100% athletes, are satisfied with the results obtained and the complete absence of side effects, of course, subject to compliance with the recommendations.
Beginners athletes are recommended to take no more than 15 mg per day, professionals can increase the dosage to 40 mg per day. In some cases, when the level of training and good health allows, the dosage is increased to 100 mg per day, but only under the supervision of a doctor. The dosage for women, is calculated individually, but does not exceed 10 mg per day.
You can buy oral steroids, calculating their amount for an average course of reception - no more than 6 - 8 weeks. The peculiarity of the steroid is that it is equally effective in a solo course and in combination with other anabolics. This versatility makes it possible to combine it with various products of sports pharmacology and for various purposes: for a lean course, to build muscle, and to increase physical strength.