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For many athletes, removing excess fatty tissue while building high quality muscle mass becomes a topical issue. You can buy ST Biotechnology CJC 1295 (2 mg), which appeared on the consumer market more than twenty years ago, and to this day remains one of the most effective.
The active ingredient:
In fact, it is a very active and effective component, which promotes the synthesis of growth hormone and has a whole range of other actions.
Its composition includes 30 amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on the body, belongs to the category of safe, does not cause any side effects and does not harm the general state of the body. The period of action in the body is about 15 days on average. We offer you the best place to buy Germany peptide injections - our catalog, where this original product is present at
In order to get the full range of positive effects of the peptide on the body, you only need to take injections 1 - 2 times a week. As a result of the course for which you need to buy peptide injections in the USA, you get:
For therapeutic purposes, doctors recommend buying peptide online for children diagnosed with stunted growth hormone production. Therefore, the product and is considered completely safe and effective both for the treatment of children and for use by men and women for sports purposes.
The course of application can last 4 months, in case of serious health problems, it is extended to 6 weeks. The initial dosage is 1000 mcg per week, with certain diagnoses or after consultation with a doctor, the volume of injections is increased to 2000 mcg per week. Allowed doses can be divided into two doses.