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Our catalog contains peptides with a very broad spectrum of action, which affects the entire body of the athlete. We offer you to buy ST Biotechnology DSIP (2 mg), which significantly reduces recovery periods after heavy and intense physical exertion.
The active ingredient:
Structurally, it is a product consisting of 9 amino acids, which are beneficial for the body, why many doctors and trainers recommend buying the growth hormone releasing peptide to improve your well-being. It belongs to the category of safe because modern research has not revealed any side effects, it does not cause negative, individual reactions of the body of athletes. Allergic reactions have also been ruled out.
Precise adherence to the recommendations helps in the shortest possible time to improve your well-being, exceeding the dosage does not lead to an increase in these effects, so it is not advisable to do so.
Athletes who decide to buy peptide injections for sale will be able to obtain the following results when using it:
In the general action of the peptide is noticed its positive effect on the level of immunity.
The use of the product is allowed to young and experienced athletes, as well as women. Therefore, we offer you the best place to buy peptide injections in Germany - our catalog. Application is possible in two variants. The first: 200 mcg once a day. Injections in this case are administered 1 - 3 hours before sleep. The second option is to take 700 mcg twice a day, the first 4 hours before bedtime and the second 1 hour before bedtime.
The mild soporific effect does not harm the body, but helps it to rest qualitatively. The average course of administration is 5 weeks. During the first few weeks, it is effective to inject daily, and the subsequent time, it is possible to carry out the procedure every other day.