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In the range of sports pharmacology there are such steroids, which without harm to health, can be taken even by young athletes and women. We offer you to buy STROMBA AQUA Spectrum Pharma 10 ml (50 mg) with moderate action, safety for the body.
The active ingredient:
It has a high anabolic action and low androgenic index.
Anabolic, if used properly and accompanied by a course of use with a proper diet with lots of protein food, will not have a negative effect on the liver, does not cause the phenomenon of recoil, in most cases, there is no need to conduct a recovery therapy. It is recommended to buy online injectable steroids and girls.
If you have no individual contraindications to the use of stanozolol, then you can take advantage of its positive effects:
In general, if you follow all the instructions exactly, you will never have side effects.
To use stanozolol, you can choose the best place to sell injectable steroids - our catalog, where only original products are presented. The average duration of the course for beginners is 1 month, for professionals - 2 months. The initial dosage for beginners is 50 mg per day or every other day, experienced athletes can inject 100 mg per day or every other day. If you are going to use a combined course, then selling injectable anabolic steroids in our store will help you choose the best combinations.
You can choose for the combination steroids, peptides, fat burners, which have the same degree of safety as this product of sports pharmacology from a well-known manufacturer. You should also take into account that the selection of the combination is also based on the characteristics of your body and the degree of physical fitness. The duration of the combined course also depends on these parameters.