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In sports pharmacology to this day enjoy those products that were first released on the market back in the last century. You can buy SUPERANABOL Spectrum Pharma for sale, which remains one of the most effective and high-quality.
The active ingredient:
Anabolic action is 125%, androgenic activity is 20%.
It has a powerful, but gentle effect on the body, which does not provoke the development of many side effects, as it happens in the case of such strong steroids of the other line. It does not cause the phenomenon of recoil and does not affect the functioning of the liver, it is multifunctional, which is why many trainers and recommend to buy injectable steroids for sale.
Among the large list of positive qualities of the product, we will highlight the most important:
With the help of this steroid, it is possible to increase the level of immunity. Such an extensive range of action, and makes anabolic popular, so you can choose the best place to buy injectable steroids - our catalog and buy a full course of anabolic.
It is used for courses of drying and gaining muscle mass, at the stage of preparation for intensive training. Beginners and professionals can buy injectable steroids online and make them into effective combinations for even greater results. The starting dosage is 100 mg per week. If after a couple of weeks, you see that your body is responding favorably to the steroid, you can increase the dosage to 200 mg per week, and for experienced athletes to 400 mg.
The average course of taking it is 8 weeks for beginners and 12 weeks for professional athletes. When choosing combinations, it is advisable to consult a trainer or physician to select equally effective products with less chance of developing side effects.