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We recommend buying this product TESTO P Spectrum Pharma 1 mlx10 amp (100 ml) for athletes who want to increase their strength parameters: in addition to increasing muscle mass, the athlete's endurance level increases very effectively and he becomes much stronger. This is precisely the result for which this substance was originally developed.
This group of testosterone is one of the most powerful in its effect, and it is also characterized by a fast elimination period from the body. Due to the fact that it is an injectable drug, there is no adverse effect on the liver. You can use TESTO PESTO solo or as an ingredient in a complex approach aimed at achieving high physical performance.
Buying testosterone online from our product catalog allows you
Another important therapeutic effect of taking the substance is also noted: it has a favorable effect on the circulatory system, strengthening blood vessels and saturating the blood with oxygen. It has also been proven to have another positive effect on strengthening bone tissue.
Maximum effect is achieved after 2.5 hours of injecting the substance. The scheme of reception is always developed individually, depending on the characteristics of the body. It is categorically forbidden to increase the standard doses for beginners. It is possible to use the drug solo or include it in a complex course. Testosterone injections of this kind, represented for sale in the catalog, have excellent anabolic properties.
If you are not sure about your choice of substance, you can get a consultation with a specialist who will help you choose the most effective preparations of sports pharmacology presented in our assortment.