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Among the range of products of sports pharmacology there are those that have quite a long period of action. You can buy TREN PARABOLAN Spectrum Pharma 10 ml (100 mg), which is able to act in the body from 16 to 18 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the athlete.
Active ingredient:
It is characterized by increased anabolic activity. Today you can buy online trenbolone enanthate in our store at the most affordable prices.
It belongs to the category of safe: it has no negative impact on the liver and kidneys, does not cause the development of the phenomenon of recoil, has a long period of action, which allows you to not make frequent injections. Such trenbolone steroids for sale help you quickly get the desired athletic results and are recommended for training before competitions.
Like some of the other steroids in this line, this one helps athletes get the following results:
Choosing trenbolone for sale, you will appreciate its abilities and properties, and the convenience of administering rare injections. Such a powerful effect, which is present in this product, makes it impossible for beginners in sports, especially for men under the age of 21 and women.
Our store is the best place to buy injectable steroids, presented in a wide range. Here choose anabolics suitable for bundling with parabolan. The initial dosages are 150 to 200 mg per week. This volume should not be exceeded even by experienced athletes. The average course of intake lasts for 6 weeks. In that case, if the individual indicators of health and the state of the body allow, the duration increases, but only under the supervision of a doctor and no more than to 12 weeks. Combinations are possible with various products of sports pharmacology. Recovery therapy is almost never required.