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Today the first place in the choice of synthetic hormones is occupied by such products that are effective and safe for health. In our catalog you can choose and buy Balkan Pharma DECANDROL 1 ml x 200 mg (10 amp), characterized by the absence of recoil phenomenon.
The active active ingredient:
The steroid has anabolic activity of 150% and androgenic activity of 30%.
As we have already noted, the product is completely safe. After anabolic injection, the peak of its action is reached on the 7th day, and after the end of the course of intake, the hormone still continues to help your body.
These anabolic injectable steroids for sale have virtually no side effects, and the list of their positive qualities is quite extensive:
Many athletes are attracted to such anabolic by the absence of frequent injections - it is enough to make one injection once every two weeks in a strictly established dosage.
You can buy nandrolone decanoate without a prescription in our store, first examining the list of contraindications. The average course of intake for beginners athletes is 6 weeks, professional athletes increase the duration to 2 months. You can administer 600 mg per week, no more and no less. Reducing the dosage leads to the fact that the effectiveness of the steroid falls, and the increase causes the development of side effects.
Our catalog is the best place to buy injectable steroids that you can combine with this hormone for maximum results. In order to achieve long term results, many people taking steroids injected into the body should not take any foods that contain high levels of sodium, which, together with the components of the anabolic, would result in swelling. In order to achieve long-term results, many trainers recommend repeating the nandrolone course after several weeks.