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Among the large number of different steroids, there are those that are suitable for athletes with different levels of fitness. You can buy Balkan Pharma OXANDROLON 10mg (60 tablets), which is recommended for representatives of any sport, beginners and professionals, as well as for men and women in different dosages.
The active ingredient:
The period of action in the body is 12 hours. With the help of this steroid you can quickly gain the necessary muscle mass, which will have a pronounced relief.
This class of pharmacological product, is known in the middle of the last century: it was originally developed for the therapy of patients who had problems with weight, with the state of muscle mass. In the sports sphere it began to be used to improve the state of muscles, which under its influence, becomes qualitative, pronounced and firm. We suggest you use the catalog of the store - it is the best place to buy oral steroids, presented in a wide range.
In order to buy oxandrolone, you just need to place an order by choosing it in our assortment. By using this steroid, you get:
Today you can buy oxandrolone of original production, you can in our store.
The initial course of reception is carried out solo and cannot exceed more than 6 - 8 weeks. Beginners start with a dosage of 20 mg per day, and athletes familiar with such steroids, increase to 40 mg. If the degree of preparation of the athlete is quite high and his health indicators are normal, a daily dose of no more than 60 mg is allowed.
Such oxandrolone pills have no harmful effects on the liver, if you take them as recommended. In order not to expose your body to stress during intensive training, you should develop a special sports nutrition along with taking anabolics.