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Athletes often need not only to prepare effectively for competitions, but also to lose weight quickly and safely. We offer you to buy Genopharm Liquid HGH Somatropin 10 ml, 100 iu, which will help you achieve sports goals and normalize your physical parameters.
The active ingredient:
It is characterized by similar properties to the natural human growth hormone.
The liquid analogue of human growth hormone is a safe product for the body, with the help of which you will be able to strengthen your overall health, improve the work of the liver, avoid side effects such as depreciation and various negative reactions of the body. To buy such a product, you can visit the best place to buy injectable steroids - our catalog, where you will find the most modern and effective products of sports pharmacology.
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The product can be used by men and women over the age of 21. If an athlete has diabetes, then before injectable anabolic steroids in Europe buy credit card, you need to be examined by doctors and take the necessary tests, exactly follow all dosage recommendations. The starting dose is 5 iu, injected once a day. After 2 weeks, if there are no side effects, the volume of the solution is increased to 10 units, which are divided into 2 doses per day. It is desirable to inject before a meal for 1 - 1.5 hours, on an empty stomach. The first injection is recommended to be given in the morning, immediately after sleeping.
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