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In order to avoid overdosing in a comprehensive approach to muscle building, the market of sports pharmacology offers ready-made mixes. You can buy online steroid Pharmacom Labs PHARMA MIX 4 10ml (600 mg), one of the best shakes that help you achieve all the objectives set by an athlete.
The unique composition of the product, acts slowly but purposefully. The effect begins to appear at the beginning of the course, an injection once a week, maintains the necessary concentration of it in the body, which contributes to the effectiveness of your training.
The advantage of such a steroid is that the precisely calculated doses of the mix do not cause side effects and do not provoke the phenomenon of recoil.
We always have this medicine in our assortment and you do not need to look for it in other stores. The improved composition of the product helps to build up to 8 kg of muscle per month with a minimal course of intake. Despite the fact that this is a powerful cocktail of anabolics, the product is recommended even for beginners, because the composition, when properly dosed, will not provoke the appearance of side effects.
Such steroid injections for sale have become in demand because of their abilities:
To buy online steroid Pharma Mix, you just need to choose it in the product catalog and place your purchase order.
Self-administration of the product is not recommended: even the initial doses for beginners, are about 600 mg per week, so you should choose this product only with a trainer or a doctor who is familiar with the characteristics of your body and its capabilities. The frequency of injections is once a week.
The course of taking is 6 to 8 weeks, if experienced athletes take testosterone, then a course of 10 weeks is allowed, but with a combined approach in which there will be reducing substances.