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During intensive training, athletes often develop chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle pain and other negative phenomena. You can buy ST Biotechnology TB 500 (2 mg), with which you can quickly and accurately recover and build strength.
The active ingredient:
The product's innovative formula is a full analogue of natural growth hormone, containing 44 amino acids. Such a powerful effect on the body and helps it recover.
The high degree of effectiveness and completely safe characteristics and make the peptide so popular among representatives of various sports, in particular - strength categories. In official medicine, it is often prescribed as part of complex therapy after ischemic heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Buy peptide injections in the USA can be found in our catalog.
The product has become very popular in the sports environment due to its wide range of effects:
Official medicine also recommends buying the peptide online to strengthen and stabilize the CNS.
Due to its innovative formula, the peptide does not cause the development of side effects, even when the dosage is significantly exceeded. The only consequence of this step is a decrease in the effectiveness of the product. To buy a peptide, we offer you the best place to buy peptide injections, our store at Iroids.nl.
The course of taking depends on the individual characteristics of the athlete, the need for recovery, but does not exceed 6 weeks. Therefore, and the dosage, the scheme of reception is developed by the doctor. But in any case, at the first stage of application the dosage should not exceed 10 mg per week, and at the second stage, consolidating, athletes are administered 5 mg per week. If necessary, an additional 2 mg per week is administered for a month to strengthen and restore the body after intense training or injury.