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In our catalog of sports pharmacology products, there are such products with the help of which you can quickly recover after heavy physical exertion. You can buy Pharmacom Labs PHARMA NAN P100 10 ml (100 mg), which is gaining more and more popularity.
The active ingredient:
Effective anabolic and androgenic action, contributes to the improvement of all physical parameters.
Due to its powerful and safe action, it is recommended for use during intense physical activity. With the help of this anabolic, the body recovers much faster and the pain in the muscles is reduced. Already after 10 days of taking it, you will notice productive results from your workouts. That is why we offer the best place to buy injectable steroids - our catalog, where you will buy such unique steroids
By taking this anabolic, you get the following effects:
In official medicine, this product is used for the therapy of adolescents with growth hormone deficiency, with the diagnosis of osteoporosis, for rehabilitation therapy after injuries, operations, with anorexia. Generally, the steroid is recommended to be taken before intensive training before competitions in order to prepare your body for future high physical loads. You can buy injectable steroids for sale along with other anabolic to prepare for a course of gaining muscle mass and increasing physical parameters.
The dosage is calculated individually, but the initial doses leave 80 mg per week. If the product is used by professionals, then the weekly dosage is no more than 400 mg. To take a full course, you need to buy online injectable steroids in our store, in the right amount. The average duration of intake is 5 weeks. The duration of the combined course can also not exceed 5 weeks. Restorative therapy is recommended, aimed at stabilizing the natural hormonal background.