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Clenbuterol for weight loss is widely used by bodybuilders in the world of sports. This is because the product promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat, active building of muscle mass, increases endurance during training and gives strength and energy to athletes.
Purchase steroids is worthwhile for athletes and bodybuilders during the drying period before the final competitions. But it should be taken into account that the product is illegal and can be found in the blood at the doping control. Therefore, its use should be discontinued 1-1.5 months before the competition.
Clenbuterol has anabolic action, and in high doses it has also catabolic effects. To increase the effect of the product, it should be combined with Ketotifen. Also, do not forget that the high results of taking sports medicine can be achieved only with a daily workout at the gym, compliance with sports nutrition, a proper daily routine. Purchasing steroids should be done through trusted online stores, so as not to encounter a counterfeit.
Clenbuterol steroid use helps athletes to achieve the following positive effects:
Clenbuterol steroid use is better in pre-competition training, as it is effective in burning subcutaneous fat and gaining muscle mass. After its course is required to undergo post-course therapy.
Clenbuterol steroid use is available for male and female athletes. The recommended dosage for men is 120-140 mcg per day. Women are better Clenbuterol steroid use in a smaller dosage of 80-100 mcg per day. But it is better to consult your doctor so that he could pick up the dosage more accurately, based on the goals in the sport, the individual characteristics of the body. This will help to minimize the side effects of the product. Also, buying steroids online from, where the athletes are provided with the original products of famous brands, will help reduce the probability of side effects.
The duration of the course of anabolic steroids should not exceed 2 weeks. Because then the body gets used to the active substance, and the effectiveness of anabolic steroids decreases. Therefore, after 2 weeks of taking steroids, the same 2-week break is made, and the course can be repeated again.
Sometimes the doctor can make a course of Clenbuterol: 2 days of taking and 2 days of a break. But this scheme is less effective and is usually prescribed either to female athletes or to novice bodybuilders.
As for the standard scheme of taking Clenbuterol, it is as follows.
The first day the product is taken in a dosage of 20 mcg, then the dosage is increased every day by 20 mcg until the 6th day.
From day 6 to day 12, the product is taken in a dosage of 120 mcg. On the 13th day, the product is taken in a dosage of 80 mcg, and on the 14th day, 40 mcg. Then a two-week break is taken.
The main thing is that in the first week of taking Clenbuterol, the dosage is constantly increasing. It is best to take the steroid in the morning and at lunchtime, because taking it in the evening can provoke insomnia.
The dosage of anabolic steroids should always be coordinated with the doctor, because for some bodybuilders the dosage of 120 mg may be high, while for others even 200 mg of the preparation may be not enough. Everything depends on the physical performance of athletes and their individual body features.
When taking steroids anabolic, it is important to be guided by your own well-being. If the first side effects appear, you need to reduce the dosage. If the side effects do not go away within a few days, it is better to consult a doctor.
Side Effects of using Clenbuterol for Weight Loss appear only when its dosage is exceeded. They are usually manifested by symptoms such as:
If the side effects appear in the first days of taking the product and do not bother you much, this is normal. This is the way your body gets used to the active substance in the product. But if the side effects do not go away after a few days, it is worth consulting your doctor. You should also buy steroids from a trusted online store in the United States to reduce side effects.
You can buy anabolic steroid online from an online store without a prescription. But buy steroids, it is worth remembering that they are doping, and their traces remain in the body for about 3 weeks. Therefore, their course should be calculated so that the product had time to be completely eliminated from the body.
If you are interested in anabolic steroids for sale, choose them responsibly. Be sure to consult your doctor, have tests done, and strictly follow the dosage of the product.