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Testosterone Undecanoate - features of the product, effects of use, recommendations for use

The synthetic hormone testosterone is often used by athletes to increase strength, endurance and building muscle mass. The effectiveness of testosterone is confirmed by numerous reviews. Steroids based on this androgen cancome in a variety of esters. The most popular are testosterone propionate, enanthate, and phenylpropionate. Injectable testosterone for sale from the best manufacturers is available in our steroid store with delivery to Germany and Canada. The newest development are preparations based on Testosterone Undecanoate.

General information about the active ingredient

Testosterone Undecanoate is the active form of the ester of testosterone, which is formed by detaching proteins. The ester-based medications entered the anabolic steroid market relatively recently and their use in the sports field is currently understudied. Buy steroids online Germany without a prescription is possible in our store. In medicine, products with this active substance are used quite actively, particularly as a substitution therapy in the treatment of male hypogonadism.

Among anabolic steroids for sale in Canada, means on the basis of androgen with undecanoate can be purchased under the following trade names:

  • Testosteron U (Balkan Pharmaceuticals);
  • Testosterone Undecanoate (Magnus Pharma):
  • Nebido (Bayer);
  • Undecanoat (Balkan Pharmaceuticals);

The best place to buy anabolic steroids online is our website, where you can order without a prescription and with the fastest delivery. The product is available as an oil solution for injection in ampoules. Castor oil is used as an auxiliary substance. A distinctive feature of preparations based on this active substance is the smooth action. Growth of testosterone levels increases gradually, reaching a maximum on day 30, followed by a plateau effect and an equally gradual decline in androgen concentrations after day 45. Buy real anabolic steroids at - it is real, fast, inexpensive and comfortable. Testosterone Undecanoate is only available in injectable form, but we have no less effective anabolic steroids pills for sale in our store.



Testosterone Undecanoate is a long ester, which is most often used on "perpetual" courses to maintain optimal testosterone levels. Its effect does not come immediately, but as testosterone builds up and protein synthesis kicks in.

Powerlifters and bodybuilders choose the product as it helps:

  • gradually build muscle volume;
  • increase stamina and strength;
  • strengthen bones, ligaments, and muscle fibers;
  • burn subcutaneous fat.

The product has good regenerative properties and helps improve training efficiency and reduce the risk of injury. Therefore, if you are among those who takes anabolic steroids not only for rapid weight gain but also for protection of joints, we recommend to buy Testosterone Undecanoate or other anabolic steroids online without delay.

Duration of Use and Dosage

The product begins to work only after 2-3 weeks, so the duration of the course of Undecanoate reaches 10-18 weeks. To avoid side effects, a gonadotropin should be connected after 8-10 weeks of the cycle. Cheap anabolic steroids for sale, PKT products and sports supplements can be purchased on our website. The dosage is calculated according to the weight of the athlete and according to a special formula by a sports doctor. An athlete weighing 80 kg needs only 500 mg of the preparation, while a weightlifter weighing 100 kg or more needs a dose of 700-800 mg.

You can easily buy Injectable Steroids Online in Germany at and test the effectiveness of Testosterone Undecanoate on yourself. Injections of the substance should be given once every 2 weeks, many athletes consider this a great advantage.

Side Effects

Testosterone Undecanoate is not converted to estrogens, so the risk of developing gynecomastia when using it is minimal. However, it can be difficult to avoid side effects in case of individual intolerance or considerable overdosing. Most often athletes note the following negative effects:

  • increased growth of body hair;
  • arthralgia, pain in the legs;
  • the occurrence of acne;
  • prostate problems;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • diarrhea.

The product is contraindicated in women and men with a history of prostate or liver cancer, hypercalcemia. Do not know where Buy German Steroids Online, contact us, we will help with the choice and make quick delivery.

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