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Top contenders in the Mr. Olympia 2022 bodybuilding show

Novice athletes, professionals and bodybuilding fans alike look forward to the Mr. Olympia 2022 competition. Professional league champions are eligible to participate. A lot of fans of a good looking pumped up body will be glued to their screens and cheering on their favorites for two days.

Where and when?

"Mr. Olympia" is a sports competition intertwined with art. It can be called a beauty contest for men who have brought their bodies to the brink of manhood. Athletic build in this sport depends one-third on taking anabolics. The modern range of products allows you to take oral or injectable steroids for bodybuilding without any harm to your health, as long as you follow the dosages. There are many sites offering to buy human growth hormone online and the number of opportunities to join the bodybuilding culture is increasing.

The prices of testosterone steroids for sale are affordable, but it is necessary to select the preparation individually with a doctor. The event will take place on the weekend of December 16-18 in Nevada, Las Vegas, USA. The most pumped men's bodies on the planet will compete for two nights. Thirty-six bodybuilders qualified for the contest, which has already broken the record for the number of participants.

Who got out of the race

Not all of the registered athletes will make it to the competition. We already know that several athletes are dropping out of the competition:

  • Sean Clarida has given preference to another bodybuilding show, Olympia 212;
  • An injured bicep prevents Nathan De Ashe from competing;
  • Personal reasons prevented Regan Grimes from competing;
  • The desire to start a family is the reason Steve Kuklo refused to participate.


It may seem that S. Kuklo is frivolous and he just isn't ready, but there's more to it than that. Bodybuilders have a very responsible approach to the question of continuing their lineage. They fear that taking steroid products for a long time can have a negative effect on the future child, although there is no scientific evidence for this. Some prefer to buy steroids from Europe, because European pharmacology is valued for quality. The manufacturer does matter, but the main criterion is the correct scheme of taking the drugs, a balanced diet and competent exercise in the gym.

Growth Hormone HGH for Sale is not prohibited, in moderate doses the steroid is useful:

  • stimulates muscle growth;
  • promotes the burning of fat tissue;
  • helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.

However, buy anabolic testosterone is recommended more for creating body relief and increasing the athlete's endurance. The main rule for a successful course is to consult a doctor beforehand and to follow his recommendations strictly. It is also possible to buy PCT online, allowing not to lose the gained mass after the end of the cycle of taking the drug.

Beginners or Former Champions

In the fight for the title two former title-holders will meet:

  • Big Ramey, a two-time Olympia champion in 2020 and 2021;
  • The 2019 Mr. Olympia winner, Brandon Carey.

They will be competed by the contestants who took places 3 to 5 at last year's competition and seek revenge - Hadi Chopan, Hantel Labrada, Hani Rembodom, Nick Walker, William Bonak. The newcomers, Derek Lunsford, Andrew Jaked, Michal Krizanek and Samson Dowda, dilute the familiar company. The list of competitors also includes well-known names in the field of bodybuilding - D. Hollingshead, A. William, H. Mostafa, D. Rodriguez, I. Vallier.

The road to bodybuilding

If you are already involved in bodybuilding or just standing at the beginning of the path to your dream, you need to properly weigh your next steps. The main criterion when choosing any direction in life is the state of health. Without drugs you will not get a stunning body. If you are already in search, how to buy injectable steroids online - at you will find the answers.

The catalog contains injectable and oral steroids for sale online in the USA of various types and strengths. Delivery is possible in any country. Anonymity to customers is guaranteed. Don't search sports pharmacology sites to find where to buy injectable steroids with credit cards - at this payment option is available.