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What do I need to know before starting an Anavar cycle? Protocol for Beginners

Anavar, better known as Oxandrolone, is very popular in the sports world. It is used to improve muscle definition and hardness, increase endurance and strength, and burn subcutaneous fat. Anavar is an anabolic androgenic steroid. It is recommended to buy anabolic steroid online only from trusted stores. You can buy Anavar steroids online from

Initially, Anavar was actively used in medicine. Its main purpose was recovery from burns, treatment of anemia, strengthening of bones, as well as maintaining the normal health of HIV-infected people. The world first learned about Anavar in 1964. It didn't take long for Anavar to gain a foothold in the sports pharmacology market.

What is Anavar

Anavar is an androgenic and anabolic drug. Today, it is considered to be the most gentle steroid. Originally, anabolic steroid was produced by SearleLaboratories. Now the steroid can be seen under different brand names, including Oxandrine, Anavar and others. The high demand for the steroid can be attributed to its high anabolic index and low androgenic activity.

Anavar pills are allowed to be combined with other steroids. These can be various Anavar And Testosterone Enanthate Stack Cycle, Sustanon or Primobolan. Anavar for women - it is undesirable to combine the steroid with other drugs.

Effects of Anavar on the body

Anavar can be used by both beginners and professional athletes. The goals of taking it can be different: from strength gain to the consolidation of the obtained results.

Positive effects when taking anabolic steroid:

  • improved muscle definition without fluid accumulation;
  • Increased strength and endurance;
  • fat burning;
  • increased levels of growth hormone in the body;
  • strengthening of bones and joints;
  • rapid recovery after workouts.

It is worth noting that Anavar is considered the best steroid for women. The low probability of side Anavar effects indicates the safety of the drug. Anabolic steroids for sale are available on our website.

Anavar is practically harmless to the liver. According to studies, the occurrence of side effects is minimized when the dosage is correct. Side Effects Of Anavar may occur if the rules of intake are not followed:

  • suppression of your own testosterone production;
  • testicular atrophy.

But if you follow the doctor's recommendations and adhere to the instructions, the above mentioned moments can be avoided.

The most effective will be anabolic steroids for athletes who have achieved a good muscularity through training and want to get rid of fat deposits, thereby increasing the hardness of the muscles. It is worth noting that fat deposits do not return after completing the Anavar cycle.


Anavar is an anabolic androgenic steroid. Before starting the Anavar cycle it is recommended to undergo a complete medical examination. You should also consult a sports doctor or trainer. The help of a specialist will definitely be required if Anavar stack cycle is taken for the first time or combined with other steroids.

The main purpose of taking Anavar is to improve muscularity and relief. It is almost impossible to use it for building muscle mass. The steroid is most often taken by professional athletes with good athletic form.

Determining the dosage of Anavar PCT cycle depends on many factors: the experience of taking steroids, the goals set, the characteristics of the body, the regularity of training, etc. The average daily dosage is 20-80 mg divided into two doses. The duration of Anavar cycle is 6-8 weeks. Throughout the course, you need to monitor physical performance and make adjustments to the intake if necessary.

Experts recommend to start taking steroids anabolic with the minimum dose - 20 mg. Then you can gradually increase the dosage. This way you can stabilize the hormonal background and reduce the risk of side effects. Do not start with high doses at once, there is a risk of serious damage to your health. After completing a course of anabolic steroids it is advisable to take Anavar Post Cycle Therapy.

There are many drugs on the market that may be better than Anavar. But all of them have a stronger effect, the risks of side effects are several times higher.

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